QUEER_gelernt: Workbook to gender-neutral options in German

Learn and practise the neo-pronouns dey/demm with Mika and their friends, what are terms you can use for non-binary family members and learn how to phrase more gender-neutral.

Why did you created this workbook?

Mercedes with a paper copy of the workbook

One topic of my class is the use of neo-pronouns and giving my non-binary students an option. And after a while I thought why not putting my material together and create a workbook for people who want to learn about other options. And that’s what I did.

Is there a digital version?

Yes! Learning to express yourself gender-neutral should be accessible for as many people as possible while trying to be respectful with our environment. Printing, storing and shipping cost not only money but has also an impact on our environment. So I decided to make it digital.

Will there be a paper version?

Also yes, but only a small amount. You can already pre-order it and I’ll bring some of it to the next Qweermarket in Berlin. The paper version is made of recycled paper from an environmental friendly printing company in Berlin. Shipping possible only within Germany.

How much is it and how to get a copy?

Digital copy costs 5€, paper copy costs 9€ and you can get both together for 12,50€. When you order 10 or more paper copies you get 10% discount. Write me for more details or click here to get to the order form!

Are you producing more queer learning material?

I’d love to! I hope I can re-use the material of Queer-History Classes at some point and I also would like to do some collabs with queer artists or interviews with queer people to tell more queer stories. If you’re interested, let me know!

docs.google.com/forms/…The Workbook