courses the project

News for August

Hallo liebe Menschen!

Welcome to the newsletter of QUEER_gesprochen?! In this newsletter, I want to give you an overview about new (and ongoing) offerings and some general informations in case you don’t know much about what this little project is about. Next to the titles you find information about the language the offer is using.
The newsletter and email-list is handmade, so if you don’t want to receive it anymore or not even sure why you get it in the first place, please let me know by answering this email so I can sort you out. 🙂 If you’re interest in getting the newsletter per email, please fill out this form.

And since I personally find newsletter with only events and courses a bit boring, I want to give you a little exercise as a bonus! You find it in the General Information section.  

New Offers in August

Waitinglist: All levels
In August we don’t start new group courses, but you can already join the waiting list for your level. When we have enough participants to start a new group, we contact you with details. You can register here.

QUEER gelernt (exercises in German, explanations in German and English)
The little workbook about genderneutral language and the neopronouns dey/demm has still some paper copies left. Till End of August the digital version costs only 3,50€ (instead of 5€), the paper version 8€ (instead of 9€) and the bundle with both versions 10€ (instead of 12,50€). You find more information about it here.

Current offers

Bettgeflüster (written in German, B1+ recommended)
Mercedes from QUEER_gesprochen?! wrote a little zine about how to get into dirty talk with German vocabulary and Polar Embassy published it! Find out more here.

Ongoing group courses (A1-A2)
The A2 group meets Mondays 6-8pm, on July 8th we start with A2.2. If you’re interested in joining, you can register here.

Individual classes and private groups (all levels)
You can always book individual courses or private group classes for you and your partner/friends/coworkers… Please ask for more details via mail.

Diversity and genderneutral language training (in German and English possible)
Interested in a training of diversity at the workplace, how to install a diversity-sensitive approach in the classroom or just curious, about how genderneutral language work? Please ask for more details via mail: Please ask for more details via mail.

General information

Bonus exercise

First a big sorry for all, who tried to find the answer on QUEER_gesprochen?!’s Instagram. The promised post was unfortunately forgotten. However, the answer is that the first Christopher-Street-Day in Berlin happened on the last Saturday in June 1979 and had 450 participants.

Starting on August 1st people can start to inform their Standesamt that they want to change their sex and first name. When will the Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (law of self-determination) officially come into effect?  

(All information (unfortunately only in German) you find here:

What is QUEER_gesprochen?! and who is it for?
QUEER_gesprochen?! is a project which offers German language courses for LGBTQIA*, trainings for teachers and companies about diversity sensitivity and gender neutral language. 

It is for people of all sizes and shapes, regardless of ethnic or social origin, class, religion, gender, sexuality, sexual preference, disability, age, profession or anything else that makes us who we are. I create the courses as a safe space for all who want to learn the German language but feel uncomfortable in other classes or want to connect with other queer folk.

If not statet differently, all courses are online. 

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